Monday, December 25, 2006

Catching Up

After all the debate and self loathing, this is the cover that I went to press with, and I have to say that I am happy with it. Hopefully I'll have some comics in my hands by the end of January. Comixpress is a little slow, but I truly am at their mercy. They are the cheapest short run printer I can find.

I'm working on adding this guy to my website. He'd be a reward that you get for winning on the slot machine. Also, I've added an animation of the bird flying in and landing on the telephone pole. I've been wanting to do that for a while now. Finally found the time.

My website

Still don't want to say much about this project, but here's some art

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Front and Back Cover

This is the image I originally intended to be the cover. Below is the intended back cover. Any input as to if I should swith them around is greatly appreciated. I'll be wrapping everything up this weekend and sending the whole shebang to the printer next week. I can't tell you how happy I am to be at the end of this. Finally, I made a full color comic.